Monday, October 14, 2013


I'm Back !! Indeed, after a long time ...Yes its been 3 years since I've peeped in, after ma first post, as I got fantasized by ma company's internal blog...

Well now!! After reading ma first blog, felt there were so many changes that had happened with my ideologies and way of writing !! Changes are inevitable and indispensable for a better life..changes are the ones, that keep walking with us all along our life, unlike things and people. Not only things, even relationships come with an expiry date..all those emotional exchange of words holds good for a limited period of time and later mind gets bored off !! Though this is hard to accept fact, it exits !!

And, you need not feel bad for losing value in relationships because mind has been designed that way to switch value in relationships, by Lord almighty..well again, human nature of blaming God,has taken over me now!!

Fine to continue,people and relationships are similar to musical numbers. Whenever a song is being released, people tend to get excited and filled with all joy, enthusiasm and anxiety to listen to it, own a copy and keep spreading a word to others, about it. Behind the screens, there's a fact that whoever who owns a copy cant hold the pride of being the composer/lyricist/singers. And, one point,when we come to know that the same song is being repeated in the television or when too many people have become a maniac of it , we lose all interest on earth for that once called " my all time favorite and I'll do anything for that song!!"..Hope by now, you would have guessed where my blog is steering towards.

Yes, the same with tunes happens with people. Once we come to know people, of our frequency, we naturally get so excited and spend hours of messaging ,chatting and phone calls to explore each other's world. All of a sudden, we start talking about this particular person forgetting all people who have been with us all through this time. We claim to be the closest one of that person. But, we fail to look beyond our relationship and see how much that person means to others.Once we realize we are one among a bunch of friends, we move away. When we attempt do this, there are chances that we may end up not understanding that each individual is being treated in a special way by that favorite person,though his/her friends gang being big!!

Crossing this phase of getting bored with a relationship, over a period of time, is the toughest among all phases. True relationships stand the test of time. One such relationship has to be well protected against all odds and criticism,as it has taken all your heart to stay strong passing through the wars of time.

And moreover, human brain can never be educated to be content with relationships. We cant choose to have more parents or siblings as it's already destined.But when it comes to relationships other than these,our heart flies like a butterfly trying to taste the nectar form different flowers.At times, butterflies being eaten by a pitcher plant(insectivorous plant) also happen.In addition to all these, with the advent of this single window of internet and social media, meaningless relationships sprout and die in a very short span.

Just like songs, relationships can either soothe your mind or can pinch your soul.Though the comparison of songs with relationships looks beautiful , relationships may have a deep and painful aftermath if you don't choose them wisely. And favorite songs and favorite people do change and there is no need of any hard feelings. The only need of the hour is to learn the art of developing,maintaining and retaining relationships..yes!! I cant help management studies creeping into my blog !!

That's all to my pen for now!!

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