Sunday, April 25, 2010

Filling the air that surrounds...

Hai's 3 o' clock in the morning...the night is silent, and I'm here typing this entry. I know I would post something today, but was not sure about the topic. I have a youtube video playing a song from the tamil movie "Eeram" . I am happy that new composers like Thaman are doing well these days. I was introduced to a song called "Tharai Irangiya" by a dear friend yesterday. We were sitting in our living room with no power, (thank you govt. of India!) and we had to have some music to keep the place alive cause in my neighbourhood, you wouldn't even know if your neighbour dies accidentally. Probably you would peep out of the window and only then you can find what's going around. I infact don't know the names of the neighbours till now...Well that's another issue.

So coming back to our discussion, I love birds...not individually, but as groups. Their innocence and the way they fly away in groups is all so awesome. And the once pigeons land on the ground, they walk that very swanky walk swaying from side to side. I have always been a fan of this cute walk that birds have. Beautiful...

அனால் அதை விட அழகான ஒரு சின்ன அழகு இருக்கிறது...பெண்ணின் மனதில் ஒளிந்திருக்கும் காதல் அது...நான் ஒரு ரசிகன்!!! அவர்கள் நடை, குரல், பாவனை ,பார்வை அனைத்தும் மாறிட காண்கிறேன்.. எனக்கு அது பிடிக்கிறதுஒரு பெண்ணின் மனதை காதல் சித்ரவதை செய்வதை எவ்வாறேலாம் வர்ணிக்கலாம்?...கவிஞர்களுக்கும் ,காதல் கவிதை மன்னர்களுக்கும் ஒரு கேள்வி...விடை தேடி அலைந்தேன்...
Poetry has changed now...from the times when Wordsworth wondered at a lady reaping through the farm till the modern lyrics of today's tamil song are just stunning. This song from Eeram, has these stunning lines:
தரை இறங்கிய பறவை போலவே
மனம் மெல்ல மெல்ல அசைந்து போகுதே
கரை ஒதுங்கிய நுரைகள் போலவே
என் உயிர் தனியே ஒதுங்குகிரதே...
I started wondering...எந்த அளவுக்கு வாழ்கையை அனுபவிசிருந்தா இவ்வாறு எழுத தோன்றும்??! amazing.... I was of my friends suggested this song long back, but only today I fell in love with this song...
Can there be any other way of expressing such a lovely feeling in such one line? I doubt seriously..but nice effort. The synth sounds and the beat are very nice. Good luck Thaman man..I thought of penning all my feelings but feeling a bit sleepy. The voice is an amazing indicator of our thoughts. The girl's voice in the movie just does that work. I'm waiting for my exams to end so that I can see that movie finally.

The way I look at love has changed...thanks to this song and a bottle of cooool 7up.., I was having a cup of 7up and just look at how I'm able to type even now!! Try rocks!

மீண்டும் மனம் அசையும் வரை...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The knot...

hey guys...

It's late at night, but I promised this entry to someone, so here I am with you guys once again sharing my thoughts on yet another unexpected psychological procedure that brides-to-be go through after their engagements.

Personally, I pity them for getting themselves into this net of uncouth society here. Well, not everybody lives for the society. There must be times when the selfish 'you' takes over. Let me get to the point of my post straight away.

Just because a girl gets into her new home,does not mean that she has to adapt herself entirely. Ofcourse, it is understood that a drastic change in the girl's life is happening, so people, don't we all even have the common sense to give her some time to grow into the new place? Think...

Girls in college usually have a considerable number of male friends. So after marriage, is it implied that the girl has to cut even speech contact with all of them? Isn't this too much of a psychological pressure on the girl? Now I can here many of you saying it's our dare not say that to me. We change culture to our needs and will. We wear pants, shirts, perfumes, dating, internet, I personally don't know how to pray yet. So, if anyone here wants to debate on this, I invite you to a head on We take what is required and throw what is not wanted.

On the contrary, this method of revision of human values with time is a welcome sign in countries like India. But sometimes, very developed people of the society who talk so much about social liberation and stuff cling to the old methods when it comes to their family...their heritage. So were has their sense of social development gone now? Huh?


And the so called elite youth who pretend to follow westernized tools of socialization are worse than the average joes. Deep down, their roots are so into the evil soil that they just cannot uproot themselves. The end result, no matter how advanced we are, the little ethnic differences and the old traditions keep repeating themselves from inside us.

My final question to all, is marriage a necessity? Please ponder on this. People who feel just like me, (you know what I would say) please also explain honestly whether you'd follow this in your life, so that I can find some one or two interesting reasons as to why this type of change can't happen.

In my world, anything that possibly limits human capability,will and wish is wrong...exceptions are the justice system and the police (partly ;-) ) . So what right has anyone got to force a little girl to follow foreign customs that she is not properly introduced to? This is outrage of women's rights on so many levels, yet I have not seen one banner in any women's rights campaigns. If there is freedom, let it be complete.

Let it be complete...let it complete itself...

Stay awake..till the next awakening...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The thief and the stolen...

About say around 4 years back one of my friends in music, produced a song. We are friends through myspace (which was the facebook of yesterday) and he was asking me what video,if shot, would fit this song. So he sent me that song, and I was all alone sitting in my living room.
The lyrics were a bit...dark...the voice wasn't natural, it came from a voice box. So there were so many reasons for me to suggest only this particular story and I knew it would attach itself well with the song.
My story was set in..say probably in one of those very picturesque valley towns. Something like the kind of places you see in Mexico.
It was about a former thief, sitting on a park bench and crying over a card that her girlfriend had given her. He then walks up to an old lady,snatches her bag and runs away.
Another car with around 3 guys inside waits for him. That is when the audience get to know that it is a planned operation. And they escape.
Then follows the dramatic cascade of police chases. In the middle of these, our lead gets images of that girlfriend in his head. Using this we can show the audience about their breakup in love.
And finally the chase gets over, the men are dragged to prison, and the last shot shows the lead character holding a pendant with her picture on it and weeping...again.
I'm not sure again, if I'm effective enough in delivering such a concept to you guys, but all that made me think of such a concept , was how emotions get into the way you perform.
Just yesterday me and a couple of my friends were talkin about this.
Men always need big vents to throw away built up emotions...just like how one of my friends who's into boxing, keeps punching bags just to keep his anger level down. Everybody's got their own style of getting it out. Thankfully I got my music.Atleast I don't have to punch bags of sand ;-) .
The two wonderful phrases that run my life literally are "WHAT IF..." and "WHY NOT?" ...I sometimes get astonished at the scale at which I exercise these two phenomena, but the outcome is amazing believe me. What if, there's never negative energy following a failure? Like in our case, the lead character resorting to steal once again? ...why can't there be a positive change?
Everybody gets hurt now and then. The severity varies, nature varies, but the point of attack is the mind always. We lose stability. We fall down. But how long we take time to stand up, brush the sand of our body and start walking tall is the difference.
I think that most men and women who scale heights have this kind of a fuel that drives them. It is inevitable...the shear nature of our mind demands reason when we move towards a goal. Ofcourse, saying that walking towards goals is like trying to sum up the meaning of life into a simple word. That is wrong. Impossible.
So...I'm adding more fuel to myself..letting it burn...just wanna see how I operate in overdrive.
I've changed...have I not? Hmmm...maybe I have, but I know this is temporary. There is one Mahesh there who always sits in the dark, does music, sleeps a lot, hangs around with himself,find joy in silence. He's that guy...he was a hit product.
Searching for him....again.

Monday, April 5, 2010 would win this game?

Blog எழுதுற பாவி இவன்தான்... அழகா இருக்கான் இல்ல? ..
Hello everyone. Long time since I've posted anything. Had great fun working on my engineering project at a renowned industry at Chennai. Ever since, I wanted to share these small thoughts with you. In fact those little chunks of fire that escaped the fireplace ignited so many minds than my own.

Here I am...headphones on my ears, a very loud television trying to top my volume, I am kinda irritated right now. But something wants me to type this entry. By the way, "I still" from BSB's Never Gone is my latest song...for a variety of reasons which I would like to share with you in this post here.

Sometime back, when I went to the doctor to get myself checked, I came across a gentleman with this small 7 year old son. He appeared to me like an average middle-class man in his thirties. I couldn't help but look at that kid. He was so excited whenever he got a chance to talk to his dad. For a second, I started cursing myself for not being like that when I was young. I seldom speak with my dad except during times of arguement or debate. Too bad...too bad...but atleast now I'm okay with him. So, coming back to our scene, the father helped this lil' boy onto his moped. And the kid wanted to turn the vehicle on using the key. The dad gave him the key and he did turn it on. Maybe this is not a big deal, but the shouts of encouragement the father gave to his son were priceless...I just stood there still. It was a very very emotional sight. I don't know why, but I'm sure not everybody who's reading this gets that feel I got then. My sincere apologies, cause I believe the fault is that I don't know how to write blogs.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is, for each son there is, his dad is king for him. And I take this opportunity to say my dad is the emperor of my dad. I'm a spoilt introvert, so I seldom talk my heart out to anyone. But atleast let me pass this message to all the fathers or the fathers-to-be out there. Your kid will no wonder make you the king of your kingdom, so please see that you keep up the reputation.

Yet another small request I want to make to all the girls' fathers out there, please don't terrorise your girls when it comes to marriages. I find so many choose the wrong guy just for the reason that they might have a better chance of approval by their parents. My point is, what's the point of living if you don't even get the chance to live with someone who loves you?. ..

Sad....very sad...

And coming to my love life, I really don't remember reading any story,book or novel with oh so many twists and turns and quite afraid now. I'm beginning to question my own credibility but knowing that I am a bit impulsive, I just give myself a warm pat on my back and tell to myself "ALL IS WELL" ... I was told by someone that 'that person' can't be pro active, and that just waited for God's orders and if God wanted something to happen he would have made it happen a long time ago, I wanna say only this. The fundamental problem with this theory is, there is no one there like that managing my schedule and my life. And even if there is someone, well...I can't hear him.

So whatever it is, please open your hearts and most importantly your mouths and speak out! It's so confusing sometimes mostly because I don't really care who's there in my life or not. I'm sorry folks, but maybe that is nature. So you can't expect me to coming behind you asking for reasons. You can find me sitting on the couch as if nothing has happened.

Finally, talking about religion and my parents, I am pretty happy with the way they've brought me up. With all the other folks out there forcing their wards to follow some herd, my parents were bold enough to let me decide. Hence, the non-religious, logic driven Mahesh you see typing this blog in front of you. Three cheers for my parents. Enough for now, got lots to tell you folks. A huge social transformation is what I want to happen. Atleast that would make this selfish world surrender to love.....true,uncontrollable,meaningless,amazing thing called love.

A bit relieved...எண்ணங்கள் தொடரும்....காத்திருப்போமாக...