Sunday, April 11, 2010

The knot...

hey guys...

It's late at night, but I promised this entry to someone, so here I am with you guys once again sharing my thoughts on yet another unexpected psychological procedure that brides-to-be go through after their engagements.

Personally, I pity them for getting themselves into this net of uncouth society here. Well, not everybody lives for the society. There must be times when the selfish 'you' takes over. Let me get to the point of my post straight away.

Just because a girl gets into her new home,does not mean that she has to adapt herself entirely. Ofcourse, it is understood that a drastic change in the girl's life is happening, so people, don't we all even have the common sense to give her some time to grow into the new place? Think...

Girls in college usually have a considerable number of male friends. So after marriage, is it implied that the girl has to cut even speech contact with all of them? Isn't this too much of a psychological pressure on the girl? Now I can here many of you saying it's our dare not say that to me. We change culture to our needs and will. We wear pants, shirts, perfumes, dating, internet, I personally don't know how to pray yet. So, if anyone here wants to debate on this, I invite you to a head on We take what is required and throw what is not wanted.

On the contrary, this method of revision of human values with time is a welcome sign in countries like India. But sometimes, very developed people of the society who talk so much about social liberation and stuff cling to the old methods when it comes to their family...their heritage. So were has their sense of social development gone now? Huh?


And the so called elite youth who pretend to follow westernized tools of socialization are worse than the average joes. Deep down, their roots are so into the evil soil that they just cannot uproot themselves. The end result, no matter how advanced we are, the little ethnic differences and the old traditions keep repeating themselves from inside us.

My final question to all, is marriage a necessity? Please ponder on this. People who feel just like me, (you know what I would say) please also explain honestly whether you'd follow this in your life, so that I can find some one or two interesting reasons as to why this type of change can't happen.

In my world, anything that possibly limits human capability,will and wish is wrong...exceptions are the justice system and the police (partly ;-) ) . So what right has anyone got to force a little girl to follow foreign customs that she is not properly introduced to? This is outrage of women's rights on so many levels, yet I have not seen one banner in any women's rights campaigns. If there is freedom, let it be complete.

Let it be complete...let it complete itself...

Stay awake..till the next awakening...


  1. really yo did a good job da machi.. it ll surely create an awareness among ur friend's who are all reading tis blog... even corporate ppl's in india too still depends upon old traditional traits nd all.. evry one has to change..
    "இந்த நிலையும் மாறும்"

  2. anna!! really hilarious..
    wanna make ppl. read this in front of u...

  3. அழகான பதிவுகளுக்காக என்னுடைய நன்றிகள்...உணர்வுகள் பொதுவான பின்பும், இன்னும் உரிமைகள் பொதுவாக கருதப்படாத சமூகம் நம்முடையது..தவறான ஓர் அணுகுமுறையானாலும்
    இதுவே உண்மை நிலவரம் ...இப்படி ஓர் சூழ்நிலையில் ஆணிடமும் பெண்ணிடமும் ஒரு நல்ல புரிதலும் பகிர்தலும் நிச்சயம் தேவைப்படுகிறது... தம்முடைய பகிர்தலின் போது நல்ல ஒரு தோழியாக இருக்கும் பெண்ணுக்கு அவளை பற்றிய புரிதலின் எதிர்பார்ப்பு அதிகம் இருப்பதிலும் ஓர் நியாயம் இருப்பது மறுக்க முடியாத உண்மை...இனி யேனும் புரிந்துகொளுதல் அதிகம் வளர சிறிதாயினும் முயற்சி எடுப்போம்... வாழ்த்துக்களுடன் என்றும் அன்பு தோழி காயத்ரி .....

  4. You're obviously correct machi.... I agree with what you said..... If we ignore marriage many good and better things might happen.... First of all lets we try to use our caste sayings....

  5. நான் கல்யாணம் முடித்தவன். கல்யாணம் முடிந்த பெண்களிடம் பழகுகிறேன், முடியாதவர்களிடமும் தான். என் மனைவியானாலும், மற்ற பெண்களானாலும் பழகும் போது தோழியரைப் போன்ற மனதுடன் பழகினால் அந்த உறவு நிலைக்கும். கண்களில் களவு இருந்தால் அதை அவர்கள் சுலபமாய்க் கண்டுகொள்வார்கள். எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் வரைமுறை உண்டு, அவற்றுக்குள் நீங்கள் உரிமையை முறையாக பயன்படுத்துங்கள் எப்போதும் சந்தோசம்தான்.
